Piccadilly Circus

Piccadilly tube station
Piccadilly Circus, the Statue of Eros
at its center, and around it one of
the world's busiest roundabouts:

Piccadilly Circus For many years, Piccadily Circus - at the junction of five busy streets - has been a famous London Landmark. At its heart and backlit by colourful electric displays is a bronze fountain topped by a figure of a winged archer. Piccadilly at night
The statue is popularly called EROS, the pagan god of love, but it was in fact designed in the 19th century as a symbol of christian charity - a monument to Lord Shaftesbury, a philanthropist.
The name Piccadilly stems from a 17th century dressmaker who lived in the area and created a frilled collar called a 'piccadil'.
Map Piccadilly Statue of Eros

Music: "Le Piccadilly" by Erik Satie (1904)

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